Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Hope Wins

It’s over, and it’s started. Barrack Obama is the President-Elect of the United States of America. I’m still somewhat in shock because like many Obama supporters, I had this sense that somehow, someway, Obama would lose despite the polls. I imagine that by tomorrow, this will all become real.

For people of my generation who were involved in the civil rights and anti-war movement, this is an event that I never thought that I would live to see.

What else is there to say? It's amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello bruce
i was happy to find your blog as it helps me to better understand the opportunities of moving to Bali. Though I was born in Soerabaia, leaving at the age of 4 has not left me with much cultural heritage.
As we grow older and more restless, i think, it seems that our financial retirement plans will require a different cost of living strategy... one where what we have might be able to carry us for another 20 years or so. I am not even averse to creating income where we go... if it is possible.
There is no question that the climate is not an issue. It is all about cultural and economic differences & benefits.
We have been seriously considering Costa Rica, but find that so much attention and $ has been poured into the country that the cost of living is quickly rising to meet "western" expectations. Over the last 7 years of going back and forth for work and pleasure we have established strong friendships and would have no problem living there ... but, economically it may not help us stretch the $ we have.
A few years back we had an amazing month long trip to Viet Nam and could easily see the economic benefits of living there ... not in Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi, but rather out of the way places like Panthiet on the South China Sea.
I suspect the urban life in Bali is probably more expensive as well. But excess is essential for medical and other reasons.
Anyway, I am rambling ... but wanted to say hello, and thank you for your blog.
Best regards,
Felix and Hank in Sarasota, Florida