Friday, March 16, 2007

Earthquakes and the Ring of Fire

Over the past four days we have had three earthquakes here in Sekongkang. They've been relatively mild, but we certainly felt them and they stirred up a lot of talk among my students. Indonesia is located in the Ring of Fire which is an area that frequently has earthquakes and volcanic activity. We found a cool website that my students had a great time with - More on earthquakes in Indonesia later.


Anonymous said...

I worked on the Batu Hijau project in 1997-1998, living initially in Tongo/Sejorong and later in a camp near the concentrator. There wasn't much about in those days, and basically we travelled from Benete to our site without stopping although I did get down to some of the villages and went around to Taliwang and one stage. I've seen Sekongkang signs etc. but where exactly is it?


Unknown said...

Down along the coast just about 15 minutes south of benete.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the follow up. I have an in-law still working there for Newmont but haven't been back since 1998. A few changes around the place I would imagine. It used to take over an hour to drive from Benete to Tongo/Sejorong, and there were not too many bules about - I used to get invited to every wedding in town and then have more photos taken than the wedding couple.

