Thursday, August 09, 2007

Rural Life in Indonesia

Well, I’m just about over the nasty case of flu that I’ve had for the past four days. I actually took two days off work which is fairly unusual for me. Last time I took a day off work was in February after an operation on my ankle. I took two days off to recover from the surgery. Anyway, it’s nice to be able to breathe almost freely now.

I went over to the kebun with Su and the kids today for the first time in a week. The puppies are still hanging around and are still little chubby things so their mother is obviously still coming by to feed them at some point during the day or night. Bush, the daddy goat, saw a few young females pass by and he set about trying to destroy to fence so that he could get out and hang with the young ladies. It seems like Veronica, Bush’s mate, is pregnant again, and she’s keeping Bush away so he’s out looking for action. Hmm, goats remind me of some humans that I know.

So Sunday was pretty much of a garden day. I did correct some work that I had taken home when I thought that I might not be back in school for a day, but mostly I’ve been out in the garden across the road where we have the goats and the puppies and some of our fruit trees. All of us except for Rebecca went. Sam messed around with the puppies and built them a shelter; Meredith watched Sam for a while and then went in the bungalow and watched tv; Su started a number of fires as she likes to do; and I played with the puppies and searched the trees for snakes – there weren’t any.

Later in the day, Su and I went out and inspected the gardens in the backyard. We have a number of bananna trees which are producing fruit now; the problem will be to keep the monkeys away from the bananas until they are ripe enough for us to harvest them. Our cucumbers, greens and tomatoes are growing well, but again we need to keep the monkeys away.

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